An individual with a mental illness or developmental disability, receiving public mental health services, has certain rights guaranteed by the Michigan Mental Health Code, as well as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Examples of rights include:
- the right to be treated with dignity and respect
- the right to be free from abuse and neglect
- the right to confidentiality
- the right to services that meet your needs
Additional Information about Recipient Rights may be found in Your Rights Booklet (also available in Spanish and Arabic).
If you believe your rights have been violated, you may fill out a
Complaint Form and contact the Office of Recipient Rights at
Summit Pointe by telephone, mail, or fax.

3630 Capital Ave. SW.
Battle Creek, 49037
Phone: (269) 441-5999
Fax: (269) 441-2132
Kent Rehmann
Recipient Rights Officer,
Summit Pointe
Office: (269) 441-5966
Mobile: (269) 832-0827
Jaimie Fedor
Recipient Rights Investigator,
Summit Pointe
Office: (269) 441-6511
Mobile: (269) 275-2648
Substance Use Disorders and Your Rights
If you are receiving services from Summit Pointe dealing with your addictions or recovery, you are also entitled to extra protection for your rights. The links below will assist you in filing a complaint with the Rights Office:
Recipients Rights Advisory Committee (RRAC)
In accordance with the Michigan Mental Health Code, Summit Pointe appoints a Recipient Rights Advisory Committee consisting of primary consumers, family members, and community members representing various perspectives for the agency. If you would like to become a member of RRAC, please contact your Recipient Rights Officer for more information.