If you need urgent mental health services,
Please call 1-800-632-5449
or walk into our psychiatric urgent care,
First Step at 175 College St, Battle Creek, MI 49037.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency or believe your health and/or safety are in immediate danger,
call 911.
Customer Service Line: 877-275-5887
Compliance Hotline: 877-277-0005
You also have the choice to directly report compliance issues to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) via the MDHHS OIG Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Online Compliance Form by clicking This Link or by calling:
855-MI-FRAUD (855-643-7283)
For Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) please contact:
Mandi Quigley
FOIA Coordinator
Corporate Compliance Director
Desk Phone DID: 269-441-6112
Email: mquigley@summitpointe.org
TTY: 1-800-649-3777 or 711 (MRC)